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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lego Crisis...

I have to say I learned something new today.

It's not that we have never lost a crucial Lego piece before...because we have.  Lots of times in fact.  Today though, my oldest son tells me he is missing a piece from the Mindstorm robot we are building.  My question for him is HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED????  He added insult to injury when he informed me he'd been chewing on it.  It's not that he swallowed it...he just took it on a walk in his mouth and lost track of it in the house.  He thought he might have left it in his brother's room but his brother assured him it was NOT there.

Apparently it was MIA.

We set up a Mindstorm Work Zone to avoid just such a mishap.  We cleaned, we organized, we planned, we made sure we were prepared BEFORE anything was touched.  Yes, still...here we are.  Unable to proceed because of one eensy weensy little round circle with a funny edge has come up missing.

Utterly irreplaceable.

So today I did the thing I have never done before.  I broke down and called Lego ready to plead, bargain or pay for what I have lost.  I admitted to the kind and bubbly girl in customer service who answered the phone that we are missing a crucial piece.  I then admitted my further guilt that we probably misplaced it.  I thought she would verbally slap my wrist and chastise me a bit for our irresponsibility.  Surprisingly, she was all sweetness and light.  She admitted that pieces sometimes drift away, escape or grow legs.  She understood the crisis that us Lego friendly parents live with...the pieces unexplainably disappear.  And even though I am sure the piece still lives somewhere in our home, after sending the whole family on a scavenger hunt, it is not apparent where it might be hiding.

So, without any lecture and with such giggles and kindness in her voice...she took my address and promised to send it out right away.  She even took my other son's name down so she could make sure he gets his own Lego magazine :).  I thanked her from the bottom of my heart, over and over.

I do love Lego.  It is amazing what good customer service can feel like.  They are my hero today!  And, because of them, Alpha Rex will soon come to life....after a short rest while we wait for the mailman/lady to visit our mailbox.
Whew...crisis averted!!  Happy mom...Happy boys.

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